Term's and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. Booking and Reservation:

1.1. All bookings must be made in advance.

1.2. A completed registration form, including up-to-date emergency contact details and veterinary information, must be submitted before a dog can attend day care.

1.3. Bookings are subject to availability.

2. Fees:

2.1. Fees are payable in advance and are non-refundable.

2.2. Payment must be made by the agreed date. Failure to pay may result in the cancellation of future bookings.

2.3. The day care reserves the right to increase fees annually with written notice given to clients at least one month before the change takes effect.

3. Attendance:

3.1. Dogs must arrive and depart within the agreed drop-off and pick-up times.

3.2. Clients must inform the day care if their dog will not be attending on a scheduled day.

4. Health and Vaccinations:

4.1. Dogs must be up to date with all vaccinations, including Kennel Cough, and be in good health to attend day care.

4.2. Dogs showing signs of illness, including vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, or lethargy, will not be accepted into day care.

5. Behavior:

5.1. Dogs must be well-socialised and non-aggressive towards other dogs and humans.

5.2. The day care reserves the right to refuse admission to any dog displaying aggressive or anti-social behavior.

6. Personal Belongings:

6.1. Clients are responsible for providing their dog's food, treats, and any medication required during their time at day care.

6.2. The day care cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to personal belongings.

7. Liability:

7.1. Clients are responsible for any damage or injury caused by their dog while attending day care.

7.2. The day care will not be held liable for any injury, illness, or loss of property suffered by a dog while attending day care.

8. Termination:

8.1. The day care reserves the right to terminate a dog's place immediately if the owner breaches these terms and conditions or if the dog's behavior is deemed unacceptable.

8.2. Clients may terminate their dog's place at the day care by giving one month's written notice.

9. Changes to Terms and Conditions:

9.1. The day care reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Clients will be given at least one month's notice of any changes.